Ryan In J-School

I'm a student at Columbia School of Journalism in New York City. I created this blog on the off chance that anyone will be interested in keeping up with what I'm doing in J-School. It may or may not be mildly interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Location: New York, New York

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The science of procrastination

While immersed in one of my usual procrastination binges, I came across this article about why people procrastinate. Very meta. Is reading scientific research about why people procastinate a form of procrastination? I submit that it is not, provided one makes use of it to avoid procrastinating. To wit, I'm hoping that by posting it here, I shall will myself into doing work by forcing quotes like this into my brain:

"On the one hand, it's easy to trivialize procrastination. We joke about it," says Timothy A. Pychyl, a psychologist at Carleton University who studies procrastination.

"But procrastination is self-defeating. It's a breakdown in volitional action. I have an intention and I'm not following through on it. You're not able to follow through on what you want to do."

There's a handy-dandy formula at the bottom of the story that illustrates the optimum conditions for procastination, and certainly rings true. Now, back to work. Right?!?


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